An “independent” toxicology consultant is defined as someone who is an owner, one of no more than two partners, or is a principal of their own toxicology consulting business AND who is solely responsible, with the possible input of one other senior individual, for the scientific and business decisions of the consultancy, and is neither an employee (full or part-time) of a toxicology consulting or any other toxicology-related business organization, nor one who manages the careers and daily job assignments of others in a professional service organization.

Educational Standards for Applicants

1.  B.S. Degree, plus a minimum of 15 years relevant experience.

2.  M.S. Degree, plus minimum of 7 years of relevant experience.

3.  Ph.D./M.D./D.V.M./Pharm.D., plus a minimum of 5 years of relevant experience.

Experience Criteria for Applicants

  1. Documented and proven competence and expert knowledge of toxicology based on previous work experience in academia, government or industry, such as prior experience in directing/interpreting/managing toxicology studies.
  2. Professional experience must be at the full-time level of involvement in an area of toxicology for the time period specified above.
  3. The professional experience must be at a level that requires more than merely the generation or review of data or summarizing toxicology-oriented information. Merely monitoring activities or the collection of data are not deemed to be relevant professional experience. The opportunity to demonstrate the assessment, interpretation and evaluation of data and the generation of intellectual creativity and the ability to render an expert opinion specific to some clear aspect of toxicology (for example, in study design or project/program development) is essential.
  4. The RTC Executive Board may request additional documentation of experience: 1) Copies of previous job descriptions and/or 2) Specific letters of reference detailing the nature of the applicant’s prior work.

Miscellaneous Criteria

  1. It is required that RTC members be a full member in at least one of the following mainstream, toxicology-specific organizations such as Teratology Society, Society of Toxicology, Society of Toxicologic Pathology, American College of Toxicology, Environmental Mutagenesis and Genomics Society or other professional society with an ethics clause.
  2. The holding of certifications particularly in toxicology (e.g., DABT) or licenses to practice medicine, veterinary medicine or law are considered very desirable for membership.
  3. Publications and presentations in the toxicology specialty field are considered desirable, but no specific threshold numbers are established with regard to a consideration for membership.
  4. Honors, awards, appointments, etc. with regard to relevant scientific activities in the field of toxicology are considered in a positive light.
  5. Two references are required. References need to be from individuals able to comment in some detail regarding (1) your knowledge of toxicology, (2) your character and integrity as a professional scientist, and (3) your status as an independent consultant. Each reference must possess the ability to thoroughly judge your suitability as a member of RTC. At least one reference must be from a member of the RTC. The other must be either another RTC member or from someone board-certified in toxicology (e.g., DABT, ERT). References should not be supplied by past subordinates. A list of RTC members can be found here. 

Acceptance & Approval Process

Applicants will be notified via email of acceptance into the Roundtable of Toxicology Consultants within 30 days of receipt of the complete application package by the RTC Executive Committee. For those individuals who fail to gain approval for membership, the application package will be destroyed. 

The application fee of $125.00 is not refundable.

Annual Dues

All members are required to pay annual dues in the amount of $125.  Dues are charged in addition to the membership application fee.  Annual dues should be paid by December 31st of each calendar year.